Why Brick Paint?
Avoid Environmental Implications.
Both sandblasting and chemical paint stripping involve processes that open a Pandora’s Box of possible issues regarding lead paint, EPA approvals, carcinogenic containment and disposal . . . not to mention, the damage that sandblasting can cause to your brick and mortar!
In addition to all of the complications and environmental implications of sand blasting and chemical paint stripping, there is also one other very important consideration . . . THE COST! Both chemical paint stripping and sandblasting procedures are very expensive, and in many cases also involve the additional time, energy and cost of re-pointing the mortar as well.
But now, you no longer have to resign yourself to the fact that the only affordable option available for renovating your painted brick property is re-painting over the existing paint again, with another solid, rolled on color . . . because now THERE IS A NEW OPTION!: The Brick Painters Ltd. faux-finish option!
Full Control Over Brick Color & Tone.
The Brick Painters Ltd. will RE-PAINT your already painted brick, back to a natural, authentic, brick and mortar appearance! THAT’S RIGHT . . . The Brick Painters Ltd. will paint the brick and mortar, to a natural and authentic appearance that will look so fabulous, your neighbors will think you did strip the paint!
Cost Effective Solution.
The Brick Painters Ltd.'s faux-finish process involves painting the brick with four (4) to five (5) different colors of paint, applied to each individual brick, ONE BRICK AT A TIME . . . and at a fraction of the cost and time of chemical paint stripping or sandblasting.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Do We Do?The Brick Painters Ltd. has developed a proprietary faux-finish painting technique. We RE-PAINT previously painted brick and mortar to achieve the NATURAL and AUTHENTIC appearance of unpainted brick and mortar. We also provide a full range brick staining service, for masonry that has never been painted. For: matching additions, areas of tuck pointing, bricked in window areas that don’t match, etc. (See the Projects page for an example)
Does It Look Real?Absolutely. The Brick Painters Ltd. has developed a faux-finish technique that leaves an original appearance that even under the closest scrutiny, is virtually undetectable. No two bricks are alike. Each brick and the mortar will have a natural, variable range of colour throughout. Yes, it looks very real. A look that only The Brick Painters Ltd. can achieve!
What About Dealing with Lead Paint?The Brick Painters Ltd. faux finish process is recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a “Proper Method of Encapsulating Lead Based Paint”, making our services a very “Green” approach to dealing with existing lead paint situations on previously painted brick. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 416.573.0643 and our Certified EPA Lead Paint Technician will be more than happy to answer all your concerns.
How can I tell what it will look like on my building?We leverage leading edge visualization tools that will allow you to see precisely how natural and authentic your building will look once our finish has been applied. The Brick Painters Ltd. will even provide additional key insights on restoring your building's original and historic artistic accents. We encourage you to leverage our visualization tool. Just upload your pictures. Once we are on-site to start your project, we'll consult with you to fine-tune your color choice on a small area of your wall so that you know exactly how the finished project will look.
How Does It Stack Up Against Stripping or Sandblasting?There is a lot to consider when comparing The Brick Painters Ltd.‘s faux-finish system to the hazardous chemicals involved in the stripping of paint, or in the destructive nature of sandblast paint removal. Let’s start with Chemical Stripping: As the name implies, harsh corrosive chemicals are used in order to remove the paint. Consider the following questions: Is any of the paint to be removed lead-based? What are the complications and costs involved with the containment, collection, and disposal of chemical and waste run-off? Why was it painted in the first place? What’s underneath the paint? Is the paint merely masking unsightly repairs and mismatched brick? You won’t know until you’ve paid to have it stripped! Now let’s consider Sandblasting: Again we ask, before you pay for sandblasting, what’s underneath the paint and why was it painted to begin with? Can the brick and mortar on your building withstand the abuse of sandblasting? For example, the older and more historic a building is, the softer and more vulnerable the brick and mortar is. Have you talked to people who have experienced the results and ramifications of sandblasting? What is the cost of the inevitable mortar repointing after sandblasting? And last but certainly not least, The Brick Painters Ltd. option: We provide the natural appearance of authentic brick and mortar without having to answer any of the above questions . . . and at a fraction of their cost!
Do You Have a Solution for Graffiti?There is an option. The Brick Painters Ltd. has a maintenance program to deal with this issue. Traditionally, areas that have been repeatedly vandalized, have also been “painted over” by the building’s owners, using a solid-coloured paint that (very)“loosely matches” the original brick, at best. In this situation, The Brick Painters Ltd.'s system can be used to restore an original brick appearance to the repeatedly vandalized, “painted over” area. Then, if there is any further vandalism, the wall can be quickly and easily restored to its authentic brick and mortar look, thereby maintaining maximum curb appeal.
What Areas Do You Service?The Brick Painters Ltd. services all of North America. As part of our expanding Certified Installer network, we have professional mobile crews that will come directly to your location.

That's Paint! You Won't Believe Your Eyes
A picture is worth a thousand words! Please take a moment to visit our Projects page and see for yourself what a difference TheBrickPainters.com’s faux-finish can make! You won't believe your eyes!
Contact The Brick Painters Ltd. today, to request a free quote.